Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thing #4 Response to blogs

I read the blog Spies Like Us . I like that blog writing is so casual. You don't have to think about making everything perfect. The blog itself was facinating because it illustrates how technology can be used in the educational setting to have a very negative impact. I have been known for being a half-empty person at times (as many of my friends would tell you) and as the facebooks and myspaces have experienced an explosion of interest and use, I have tended to look at them from the viewpoint of being damaging to personal privacy, etc. I know this is probably the viewpoint of someone out of touch or "old", but the blog definately covers some of the reasons I am cautious of technology. The blog illustrates how we are losing touch with our privacy and making ourselves too accessible at times.

I do like the immediate feedback you can get from blogging. You get to put information or opinions out there and receive agreement, opposition, different thought avenues, etc. It truly can be thought provoking. It's an avenue for expression instead of having information spoon fed to you like other means of writing. Caution should be taken when reading blogs since anyone can post anything. Fact or fiction should be the thought process utilized when reading. Tom, Dick or Harry can post whatever they want and leave it up to the reader to buy or sell.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thing #2 Reflection

I like reading about the examples of educators using web 2.0. I am encouraged by the fact that I have teachers on my staff who really work to integrate our available technology in the classroom. Teachers are utilizing podcasts for reinforcing science vocabulary and giving students a visual representation to go along with mental imagery. Teachers are using websites for interactive stories. I see a higher level of student focus when I go into classrooms using technology, but I realize we are far from where we need to be with student created/shared materials that utilize technology. The more experience and knowledge I gain in regards to technology, the more I can confidently encourage its use in the classroom.

Thing #1 Reflections

What do I think of when I consider 7 1/2 Habits of Effective Lifelong Learners?

This is probably the biggest mental challenge I have pursued in quite some time. Not because of the difficulty level, but because of my frustration level when technology doesn't quite go as planned. I can't think of much that gets me as tempermental as technology; however, that is the very reason I finally agreed to pursue this challenge. I must devote time and effort to learning technology in order to prevent being left further and further behind.

As an educator, I see and hear young students working with technology and realize I don't have the skills necessary to keep up. I am hoping this course provides me adequate knowledge and the confidence not to fall so far behind in the future.

As stated earlier, I have a frustration level with technology, so Habit 3 (View problems as a Challenge) will be the most difficult part for me as I continue along and reach my goal of completing 23 Things.

Habit 7 1/2 is probably the easiest for me because I do like to play around on the computer. Playing is easy. I need to move beyond the playing and apply the technology to my advantage.

In order to meet the needs of today's learner, I need to be able to effectively teach and mentor others in utilizing technology. I need to encourage others to step outside their comfort zone and meet the interest level of students. Students utilize interactive devices in their daily lives and at this time, these devices are not integrated as well as they need to be in school.
I am now a blogger. I never thought I would get into blogging. You never know what being ridiculed by friends will do for you. Just kidding. It's encouragement not ridicule. I am looking forward to communicating by blogging.